Legal Notice

Last updated 01 January 2016

Access to and use of this website is provided by us subject to these Terms of Use.  By using this website you are agreeing to these Terms of Use.  “We” are [insert company name] (“us”, “our”). [insert company name] is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Registration No. [insert number]. Registered in England – Company No. [insert number]. Registered address: [insert address]. [insert company name] holds an Interim Permission from the Financial Conduct Authority for consumer credit activities; Interim Permission number [insert number].


We may contact you by mail, telephone, SMS text, email or fax about products or services which may be of interest to you. You will be given an opportunity to indicate whether you wish to receive this information or not.
If you decide now or at any time that you do not want to receive marketing information on other products and services please write to ‘adress’, and we will ensure that your request is complied with.

Governing Law

The information on this website has been prepared in accordance with and is subject to the laws of England. By using this website you submit to the jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts. We make no representation that any material contained on this website is appropriate for any other jurisdiction or compliant with any laws or regulation thereof.  The information on this website is directed at people within the United Kingdom only and this is not an offer to sell any products or do business with anyone located outside the United Kingdom.  Should you choose to access this site from any location other than the United Kingdom, you are responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws.


The information contained or displayed on this site is believed to be reliable when displayed. Whilst reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information and functions contained or displayed on this site are complete and correct, we do not warrant or represent, or give any guarantee, condition or other term (whether express or implied by statute, common law or otherwise) that such information or functions is or are free from errors or omissions or that the information contained or displayed on this website is suitable for your intended use.


We make no warranty that your access to this website will be uninterrupted, timely or error-free.  Due to the nature of the Internet, this cannot be guaranteed.  In addition, we may occasionally need to carry out repairs, maintenance or introduce new facilities and functions.

We do not warrant that this website will be compatible with all hardware, equipment, operating systems, devices and software which you may use.  Although we may put in place security measures for your protection, we shall not be liable for damage to, or viruses or other code that may affect, any computer equipment, mobile device, software, data or other property as a result of your access to or use of this website or your obtaining any material from, or as a result of using, this website.  We shall also not be liable for the actions of third parties in breaching any security measures. This website may not be usable on mobile devices and operating systems applicable to mobile devices because it has not been designed for such use.

We may change or update this website, including these Terms of Use, and anything described in it without notice to you.

The contents of this website are intended for convenience only.  Nothing on this website shall constitute advice specific to your circumstances or a recommendation.  We do not suggest that any product or service mentioned on this website is specifically available to you.

Trade Marks and Copyright

The [insert company name] and logos and all other brands, names, logos, marks and slogans on this website are the trade marks or service marks of us or our licensors.

Unless otherwise stated, the copyright, database rights and any other rights in all information, data, text, artwork, pictures, photographs, images, graphics and materials (together “Materials”) on this website and the design, layout, look and appearance of this website are owned by us or licensed to us by our suppliers.  You are permitted to use and download such Materials or extracts from this website to a local hard disk and print copies for your own internal, personal, non-commercial, private use only.

Except as we expressly permit, you must not in any way modify any Materials on this website. Any rights not expressly granted in these terms or otherwise by us are reserved.

Liability and Disclaimer

We disclaim all liability for:

  • any incompatibility of this website with any of your equipment, software, hardware or telecommunications links;
  • any technical problems including errors or interruptions of this website; and
  • any inadequacy of this website to meet your requirements.

This website is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and no warranty, guarantee, representation, condition or other term (whether express or implied by statute, common law or otherwise) is given that it is complete, accurate or up-to-date and we do not accept any liability for any errors or omissions.

We do not exclude or limit our liability for:

  • death or personal injury caused by our negligence; or
  • our fraudulent misrepresentation, misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter, or to any other representations that it would be unreasonable in law to exclude; or
  • our breach of the obligations implied by Section 12 Sale of Goods Act 1979 or Section 2 Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982; or
  • any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited by applicable law.

Subject to the rest of these Terms of Use and any terms and conditions applicable to our products and services, and to the extent permitted by law or otherwise, in all cases other than in respect of the products or services we supply, we shall not be liable for any: a) indirect or consequential losses, damages, costs or expenses; b) loss of actual or anticipated profits; c) loss of use of money; d) loss of revenue; e) loss of goodwill; f) loss of reputation; g) loss of business or contracts; h) loss of operation time; i) loss of opportunity; or j) loss of or damage to data, suffered by any user of this website whether or not such losses were reasonably foreseeable or we had been advised of the possibility of you incurring such losses, arising from the use of or inability to use this website, or any material contained in it or accessible from it, or from any action or decision taken as a result of using this website or any such material. This does not affect any liability we have and/or any obligations we have to our customers under any regulations issued by our regulators from time to time.

Nothing on this website shall constitute financial or other professional advice in any way.  If any advice or guidance is required in relation to our products or services, please contact us as directed on this website.

Third Party Sites

This website may from time to time contain links to and from third party sites. We have no control over and accept no responsibility for the content of such linked sites and exclude all warranties and all liability for any loss or damage you incur as a result of your use of such sites.  You must not frame any of this website onto your own or another person’s website and you cannot provide a link from your website to the home page of this website without our permission. If we find any such link, we reserve the right to ask you to remove it immediately or we may remove it immediately.

Telephone calls

Telephone conversations may be recorded for training, monitoring and regulatory purposes and to improve our customer service standards.

Disability Legislation

[insert company name] endeavours to make reasonable, common sense adjustments (in compliance with applicable law) to provide access to our services for customers with special needs.


[insert company name] is committed to protecting your personal details and our services have been designed with your security in mind. However, you are reminded that the Internet is an open environment and therefore as a result of third party activity beyond our control we cannot guarantee that your information will be 100% secure while it is uploaded on this website. We recommend that you install, use and maintain up-to-date anti-virus software and firewalls to protect yourself and your equipment.


Emails are an insecure method of transferring information across the Internet. You should limit the information you send by email and not detail any confidential personal data in your email to us.

Keep your information safe

We recommend the following:

  1. Always keep your personal data protected.
  2. Lock your PC when you are not using it.
  3. For optimum security you should use the latest versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.


Change text size using your browser: To increase or decrease the text size, use the appropriate option in your browser. For example, to increase text size:

  • Internet Explorer go to View>Text Size>Larger
  • Mozilla Firefox go to View>Text Size>Increase
  • Safari go to View>Make text bigger
  • Windows: Press the Ctrl and + keys together
  • Mac OSX: Press the Command and + keys together